About Us

Phoenix Domestic Abuse Services (Phoenix DAS) is a highly successful registered charity that uses a variety of methods to end all forms of domestic abuse. Since its inception in 2002 the service has received over 7000 referrals and currently works with more than 50 partner organisations.   The Service is forward thinking and adopts a restorative, person centred approach to all areas of its work. This is unusual within the field but is based on the strong belief that all people are capable of change given the right motivation, support and practical assistance. We consider recruitment critically, only selecting those who truly share in our passion, values and beliefs. We, and others who encounter our service, recognise our people make us distinctive, innovative and ground breaking within the field.    Over the years Phoenix DAS has listened to the needs of the clients it supports and constantly fought to create a service which creates real change.  As a result the service has gone from strength to strength and currently employs over 20 staff over a variety of skills area. Services currently offered are:


  • Victim Safety Team – support the emotional, practical and safety needs of female and male victims of domestic abuse aged 16+, including support through Criminal justice and civil court systems.
  • Rise & Thrive Programmes – Victim Programmes are available to victims reading within Blaenau Gwent.  
  • Youth Respect Team – Healthy Relationship Work and also Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA). Youth Respect Officers support young people (aged 11-18) who are concerned about their behaviours and responses within their intimate relationships. For those young people who are displaying negative and abusive behaviours at home towards parents/carers we can provide a programme of support to help challenge this. Parenting support is also available to all parents experiencing this abuse. This support is available across Gwent.
  • Children Support – The recovery Team  supports children  who have been impacted by their parent’s/family members domestic abuse within Blaenau Gwent, the support is for children ages 6-18. 
  • Voluntary Perpetrator Programme – working in Gwent to deliver life lasting change in attitudes and behaviour with those who are motivated to change. This intervention is available for males, females, LGBTQ+, aged 18 and over. It is delivered either in group settings or on a one to one basis. 


Management and legal status

We are a company limited by guarantee with charitable status (registration number 1112039).  We are managed by a board that meets bi-monthly. The Board is responsible for overseeing finance, service development, compliance with legislation and risk management.



The service maintains strong partnership links with universities within South Wales to provide professional placements for students on a range of courses. The service regularly hosts placements for social work students in their first, second and third years of training, we encourage them to develop knowledge and experience of all aspects of the service. Our students can undertake direct work with individuals for them to gain first-hand experience of how domestic abuse affects individuals and families. We also work closely with students on postgraduate courses to develop research opportunities to contribute to service development.



The service is committed to creating a robust evidence base to support and influence our approach. As such Phoenix DAS regularly undertakes both internal and external research. projects have included:

  • A three-year research project trialling new ways of working with victims to help them to recover from an abusive relationship. PDAS is committed to research and development to inform and influence our service provision. We always work to ensure that new projects are fully evidenced and risk managed.
  • A partnership project with Cardiff University and Hafan Cymru working to test our theory that a co gendered approach to delivery of restorative Programmes for victims, will enable them to be more likely to enter healthy relationships in the future.
  • A survey based study to test the impact of positive male role models in childhood on the likelihood of becoming repeat, or long term victim of domestic abuse i.e. do positive role models create better resilience late in life?
  • Part of the Perpetrator Team is currently funded by REPROVIDE Project in conjunction with Bristol University. REPROVIDE is a research programme funded by the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Phoenix DAS have been part of this work since November 2019 and this will end in the summer of 2022. The aim of the research is to provide to the evidence base around perpetrator programmes and how effective they are in changing behaviours and attitudes.


Links to some of the completed research projects and/or evaluations can be found below:-

An Evaluation of the Phoenix Programme By Jane Monckton Smith

Motivation Respect – A Welsh intervention into youth-perpetrated domestic abuse by Joanne Peyton & Amanda Robinson 

We welcome and value invitations to partake in any relevant research that would help realise our vision.


Our Vision

A society free from all forms of domestic abuse and its consequences.


Our Mission 

To make people safe.

To enable every individual to live free from abuse and the fear of abuse within their home.

We strive to end every form of abuse, (sexual, physical, emotional, and financial) within personal relationships.

We are dedicated to providing a free service that is confidential, supportive, informative and non- judgemental, to those directly and indirectly affected.

To empower every individual with the ability to make informed choices.

To appropriately challenge, confront and work with perpetrators of abuse to deliver lifelong change in attitude and behaviour.

To educate children, families, professionals and communities about domestic abuse and provide an understanding of healthy relationships.


Our Core Values


We respect all, colleagues, service users and professionals, we treat others as we wish to be treated.

We believe people work at their best in an environment built on trust.

We have confidence in each other’s intentions, capabilities and commitment.

We have a healthy dissatisfaction with the current prevalence of domestic abuse in our communities.

We continue being self-driven to improve and seek innovative ways to realise our vision.


We are honest and straightforward in our dealings with each other and those we encounter through our work.

We always strive to do the right thing.

We believe in resilience, learning from mistakes when they occur and seizing opportunities to improve.

We uphold the aims, values and principles of Phoenix Domestic Abuse Services in every action and decision, operating within the law and our policies.


Our people make us different, we are highly motivated and passionate about our challenge.

We build positive relationships through outstanding service with every interaction.

We consistently demonstrate an unselfish commitment to working with others to create a collaborative culture.

We continually challenge and evolve our thinking, embracing change.


We recognise compassion lies at the heart of person centred practice and professional relationships.

We strive to improve emotional intelligence in ourselves and others.

We provide compassionate support to people suffering domestic abuse no matter who they are or what situation they find themselves in.  

We believe compassion inspires our people to provide exceptional service to those who require help.